Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Power of OnE YeaR

This is Year 2008!!! What have I done in Year 2007? What is this year resolution? Oh... How old am I?

In Yr2007, alot of thing happened in my life and my friends. Jan - Jing's wedding; Feb - KL trip; Apr - Got my 0.5 carat diamond ring; May - Yanie's 1st baby; Aug - HK trip & Received my new flat's key; Sept - Lily's & Meiling's wedding; Dec - Completion of my new flat renov. and moved in as weekend hse.

Beginning of the year, time to set new year resolution again. This year, i nearly forgot my age, but when I realised the truth, it always hurt. The sad thing is I didnt realli achieve/done enough in life, for the number of years I lived on Earth. This year, I wanna do better. Enrich myself by gaining knowledge and improving my skills. Lose more weight cause i didnt lose much last year. Excel in my career, if not switch a better pay job.

This year, I hope all sisters & friends can find their happiness in love, life and work. Me need to learn to be more hard-working in hse-hold chores/exercise to lose weight/start puttin into action sourcing the fashion course. ;)