StaNd bY Me

The one at your side when you feel the worst is the True one. There are alot of people around you when you are happy or celebrating but who are the ones that will be by your side when you are depressed, trashed, ditched, friendless, etc.. If you are lucky, you will have many.. But i feel even if you have only one, you should be glad.
Usually, there are more sad moments in life than happy moments. The one that are willing to share the sad moments, listen to grumble, lending a shoulder to cry, sacrifice their sleep, etc, will of course be your ultimate true friends or lover, and not those whom provide you materially. You may feel that you can/should overcome your problems, yourselves... but it is always better to have someone by your side, to ease the pain. Even if no word is exchanged, may be the best conversation.
Cherish them and make sure you stand by them too when they needed you.
If you dont have any, start reflecting on your attitude towards friends.