EraSinG MemoRieS

Part of me wanna erase some part of my memories but part of me scare that if i erased it, i will not know the lesson learnt and sad memories are worth remembering sometimes. I think i will feel very sad if someone close to me intend to have no memories of me. How could one be so heartless and cruel to destroy the memories that they once had, be it sad or happy, there must be a time when both of them happily shared.
But everything happen for a reason, maybe U are too hurtful/painful/scary to be remind of...Hee... Find out the real reason behind, coz die oso must die gracefully, in order not to live with regrets.
Today, chatted with my sisters, discussed on horoscope (my fav) for guys, wanna share with u coz i feel is quite true for some:
Aries : (Someone's new target)
good --> he;s a chauvinist, which turns u on coz until recently u are dating a guy who drank flavoured coffee
bad -- > wait til he starts asking where his dinner is
the end --> babe, u r the best, but he got room for alot more notches in the belt (means 2 timers...)
Pisces : (My DearDear)
good --> sweet dreamy full of compliments
bad --> bascially every girl he goes, "are u my mom?" (...dunno wat it mean???)
the end --> you never have your heart eaten out by anyone nicer, expect the best of table manners (means very loyal)
Sagi : (Jing's old love)
good --> all the other gals want him, but he chooses you
bad --> thats what u think - he cheats
the end --> dont expect him to go thru a mourning period - he'll have someone else lined up even before the door hits your rear (To think that Jing still think it means good,
so popular meh, got pple lined up..Haha.. I think it's bad as he wont go thru sad moment with U, Wen agreed that he will have alot of spare tyres)
Scorpio : (Wen's & Mine old flame... Different guy lah)
the good --> he;s charmatic, keeps u interested
bad --> hello scorpio's temper is from hell
the end --> encourage him to express his anger via email, then cancel your Hotmail account, change your tel no and move far far away (But i never experience the anger before, lucky me. Wen said she experienced till scared.
Virgo : (Wen's Hippo)
good --> he;s preppy, self-depreciating and practical
bad --> therapy 5 times a week only scratch the surface (no use talkin to him one. wont understand a thing u say)
the end --> he;s defensive, so he goes offendsive, be prepared for a tongue lashing (not the good kind)
Cancer :
good --> sensitive, sec-obsessed and the perfect scam
bad --> he;s completely anal (asshole) and ridiculousy insecure
the end --> if u dump him, he be obsessed with u 4ever. if you dun dump him, be prepared to be smothered to death (sticky guy... )
Taurus : (the U Know Who)
good --> he is a shy secret pervert... (eh, good points meh)
bad --> he'll make u miserable if your r/s dun go the way he wants it
the end --> mixed signals. he leave u , come back, leave u again, come back... and the cycle continues
Libra : (Someone's old target)
good - > adorable, thoughtful, soft spoken
bad --> ...which a disguise to hide his judgemental ideas
the end --> a dissertation on exactly what you have don wrong, what he has done wrong, what u both have done wrong , that will make u want to kill yourself (a mind game player)