We are always so engrossed in our own life, sometimes we din even have time to care about the people or thing surrounding us. Is this call selfish or we are just to busy??
We dun know what we are missing until we really do some thinking of what we have or want in life. When we start to think for only ourself, do thing to achieve our own happiness, without having the intention to hurt anyone, unknowingly, we are already hurting the ones around us, our friends, family... Start to think from now, there sure to be something that you had done to made them feel left-out, neglected, sad, unhappy, etc...
Example: I have a friend who like a gal, whom he can do anything for her. Unknowing, he always make his friends annoyed, pissed off by his actions. Once, he was out with the friends and the gal, they were happliy talking about the gal's bf. He was quite unhappy and irritated by the topic, he asked the friends to stop talking about the gal's bf when he is around?? Firstly, being a friend, he shouldnt have ask friends to stop talking about something, unless it's bad-mouthing people. Secondly, if he really like the gal, he would want to know how the gal is with her bf and give her the blessings she need and feel happy for her if she is happy. Thirdly, if he really treasure the friendship, he will try to accept the fact.
We always said we have no time for this and that, but time is depend on how we manage it, rite. Take some of your time to care, share, give and love. Dun wait till it is too late even for regret. Learn to give, you may not be able to take what you wanted, but sometimes being able to give is also a form of happiness, rite.