Absence makes the heart grows fonder. In life, we will tend to gain some and lose some. It doesnt matter what we have gain or lose, what matters is what we had learnt from the process of gaining or losing...
The reason you cant understand why or how others can forgive or overcome an situation is because God doesn’t give u the Grace u need till u are to get onboard. If u are about to go thru what i went thru, God’s Grace will be there to help u make it thru the dark valleys and still keep your head held high.
When there are days when u look out how u can overcome an obstacle, or forgive someone that hurt u, just understand when u get there God will hand u the ticket, which he already purchased it 2000 years ago. He will give u the strength, the favor, to do what u need to do. He will never give u an assignment without giving u the abilities, the strength to maje it thru victoriously. With every Right choice you made, there will be a reward. It may not seems like it; you are taking harr roads, you are doing all the works, not getting any of the credits, tend to be discouraged and think this is not what I have asked for, not what i have planned, coz somebody else messed up my life. We need to shake off the self-pity, shaje off the bitterness, you will discover, God is a God of Justice. He will pay u back, every unfair things that has happened to u, there will be a reward for carry out his assignment.
The difficulties that we are going thru is not going to last forever, just keep reminding yourself that a reward is coming. He will pay you back for the sacrifices you have made. We are very close to see God turns the situation around, he is going to pour out his favors in ways that we never seen, he is going to make sure we are well-compensated. Part of receiving God’s Grace is to programming our mind with Right tots.
Sometimes Life get interrupted with disappointment and with adversity, but with these disappointments and with things we didn’t asked for, come a new level of God’s Grace. not to just sustain us but to help us overcome. I have gone thru things that an average person would have given up and gone under.. betrayal that should have caused me to be bitter but i took the ticket and i am better than ever, enjoying God’s blessing & favors.
God's grace is meant for every season of your life. His grace can give you the wisdom and favor you need to accomplish more than what you could on your own.
Your best days are still ahead, and together we can make a difference in this world with the message of God's hope and love.