HardEsT ThiNgs iN LiFe

"Trying to forget someone you love is trying to remember someone you never know."
I guess it is realli difficult to forget a person we once loved, but why do we wanna forget the person? No matter if the person is good or bad, to us, we can juz hide them in a corner of our heart... Coz they used to be special in some ways that made us loved them. He/She makes a part of our memories, that make our memories worthwhile. We learnt from mistakes that made us strong and brave. Memories made us realised how well we can get through with the toughest situations faced. Having memories of someone that had hurt us, doesnt make us a loser.
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter. I do not regret the things that I have done, but those that I did not do."
We always had so much to say to someone but always cant find the courage to say it out. Sometimes, if we missed the chance of saying what we should or wanna say, we might not have the second chance... The words may not mean much to others but it may weighs a million tonnes in your heart. So once U din say it out, U may have to carry it for a long distance before U can put it down, and move on... So if U love someone, say it out... if U care for someone, show it... It doesnt cost you anything.
But people always have to wait till they lost it then they will realise importance of something or someone...Like we always say: " The thing that we couldn't get is always the best." How true it is? Prehaps the best of the best is always beside us, is juz that we didnt realise or treasure.
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