CLeaR YoUr DoubTs

Me and a group of friends was viewing one of my friend's hp (although it is very bad, he/she still allowed us) we was viewing if he/she has any secret msg. And we come across his/her sent items and to our shock, we saw a msg that was sent via his/her hp to his/her hp??!! And the content was like telling some problems and feelings... to himself/herself??!! We was stunned and lost of words, looking puzzled to one another. Then luckily, one of my other friend suggested that we should ask him/her then solved the mystery. Haha.. it was all juz a stupid act that he/she was actually messaging to himself/herself first before messaging to a friend. And realli confirmed coz we saw the person that he/she msg, in the outbox too. To think that if we din ask him/her, we would have thought that he/she was having some psycho problem or having some invisible friends. Hahha.. if he/she is reading tis, i realli want to apologize that we forced him/her to let us see his/her hp and am feeling guilty that i actualli thought he/she got some problem at that very moment..Sorry..Hee..
From this incident, i realli learnt that if we have any doubts, we have to clear them on the spot, dont wait till things turn bad. Dont only believe wat see or heard, ASK! I remember one email i read some time back abt misunderstanding between a couple, till the husband died then the wife found out the truth for everything, but it was too late. In order to improve or not to spoilt your relationship, be it friend or loved-ones, dont keep everything to yourselves. Ask what you want or need to know, dont let a doubt stain your mind.
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