GaiN SoMe, LosE SoMe

For me, after spending two years in working-life, i decided to go back to study-life, i am gaining the knowledge i want, some freedom in life, relaxing times, and feel young again but i lost the experience in work, finance stability and shopping treats. I began to regret... and start thinking back whether am i making the right choice, esp when i having stress in exams and finance crisis. I feel more stress this year as i had done badly in Exams, so i have to put in more time in my studies and revising my work. But the more stress i give to myself, the more i feel that i cant seem to get things done. I felt that time spent with my friends, sisters and family had cut-down, sometimes i even felt myself being at turn-off mode. I felt that i began to have those "cant be bother more" attitude, which i felt very sad. I hope to shower more care and concern for closed-ones but i cant seem to have the time. But now, things are getting better after i poured out all my troubled thoughts with my sister.
For some, when they start to begin a BGR, they gained one who love them or one they loved, more care and concern, attention or material and can even learnt how to maintain a good relationship, in the meanwhile, they may or may not discovered that they have neglected their friends. Some will be totally turn-off, rejecting every invitations of outings, some will more passive, waiting for friends to invite out and some will even depends on their bf/gf moods to whether going on an outing or not. What about U?
Whatever reasons may be, friends need maintenance too. If you lost touch with them for too long, you will feel more "out-of-place" and reject more in meeting up.
Put some afford in, start meeting, calling or message your friends whom u always missed but seldom contact, to show how much you missed or care for them.
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